Tinggalkan alamat rumah anda....

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

person who tag-ing : eina natalie

person has been tag-ed : Zeal

p/s : menda apa TAG nie....1st time kena....balun je le... hahaha...


award rules :
1. Insert this badge or the pic above to inform u have been awarded.
2. Make sure u take the pic n said it is from.
3. You should tell 10 facts or hobbies about yourself.
4. You should choose 5 other bloggers (easier the ones who follow you) and tell their names in your blog
5. Dont forget to go to their blog and tell them they have been tagged!!!


- Zeal -

  • prsan comey.....haha...
  • suke beli novel wat koleksi....
  • suke blatih senyum time bawak motor....
  • skrg ni byk masa abeh d depan PC.....
  • masih mencari kerja....
  • suke tgk org men k-kar....
  • suke tgk org mengumpul gadget2 elektronik...
  • suke jenjalan nek motor kalu boring...
  • addict ngan katon shin chan...
  • awek x de lg kot....juz ada TTM je....

This award will goes to.. :-

~ wat masa skrg....x berminat nk tagged org lg...muhaha....sorry tukang bg award....sbb langgar order....ampun2.....~


najwa hazirah halmi said...

suker bacer novel gak....
kiter samer hobbies..!
suker bcer genre cmner??
kalo wa...
love story of coz!
alaf 21 punyer...

zeal_tech said...

x ske baca...
ske wat koleksi je...
yg slalu beli genre islamic kot...
ada adunan jiwang skit2...

cam cinta madinah, tautan hati, syabab, mesti najwa x pernah dengar kot....=P

